A Word is a Word is a Word
y las palabras palabras son
You say you have only words to give
If words is all you have
give me words
Dame palabras
Cut me words fragrant of coffee
of guava, tamarind, and orange blossom
Sí, que huelan a azahar, a café con leche y a guayaba
Drip me words
as drops of honeysuckle in Araucan drawl
Palabras perfumadas como madreselvas en flor
que cuelgan de los muros de Coyoacán
Spray me words that flare up my nostrils
with first-kiss awakening
memory stirring
whiff of dew-jeweled alfalfa
en los campos de mi abuelo
in sun-drenched Casas Grandes fields
Cook me words, soul-food words
spicy of mole and chiles poblanos